Tuesday, August 28, 2007

...And All Is Right with the World

It's hard to believe that it's already 3:15, but I guess that when you have a busy day of appointments and meetings with various people in various places at the Cleveland Clinic, time just flies. Here's a re-cap: At roughly 10:15, Dad and I were sitting in the hotel room, constantly telling the maids knocking on the door that we weren't checking out until tomorrow, and watching the local news program that follows The Today Show. We didn't speak until we watched a segment in which two 45-55 year-old broads (with catcher's mitt faces) started to play (or at least tried) their version of Delta Blues (they were called the Delta Swamp Girls or something, and I don't recommend that you ever see them live...or via recording...in fact, just forget you ever heard their name). At that time we simply looked at each other with a "let's go" face and left for appointment #1.

We arrived at the Radiology department in the basement of the H building about a half-hour early. Nevertheless, Dad was quickly led away by a friendly nurse (I must say that there was very little waiting time once we arrived for any of our appointments...kudos to you and your punctuality, Cleveland Clinic) so that they could take some x-rays to see if his Indiana Pouch was a-okay...MISSION: Accomplished. From there it was up to the International Cafe for a spot of lunch and then to appointment #2, where the surgery staples were finally removed, and the now legendary Dr. Fergany came by to make sure everything was tip-top...MISSION: Accomplished. Finally, we went in for the last appointment of the day and were reunited with The Stomettes (that's our name for the Stoma nurses who attended to Dad; with their matching outfits and their almost choreographed in-sync movements, it's like they're some kind of 60's girl-group) who instructed Dad on how to use and care for his Indiana Pouch...MISSION: Accomplished.

We're now back at the hotel and Dad's getting some rest. He had a big day today and it looks like that his tenure at the Cleveland Clinic is done (of course he'll likely come back here for a routine check up in about 6 months, but compared to the current stay he's had, that oughtta be a walk in the park). In a while he'll wake up and probably start to pack some of his things. Later on tonight, his baby brother Tommy will arrive and I'll head back to Chicago. Tomorrow morning, it's likely that Dad and Tommy will wake up early, bid a fond farewell to the Cleveland Clinic and start the drive back to South Carolina. I'd say that around 6:00 or 7:00 PM, Dad will be home and back with Mom as this Cleveland-centric chapter of our family's story comes to a close...and all will be right with the world.



Anonymous said...

Beautifully written my baby and so aptly put. All will be right with the world when my Superman is by my side...along with a couple of the hairy ones.

Safe travel home my little one, kisses from momma!!

Anonymous said...

On the road, again, I just can't wait for y'all to be on the road again. The life you live here in G'ville is making music to our ears. I can't wait 'til you get on the road, again.
Drive carefully, my friends.
And return to your Naaan, the fuzzy ones and us.

Anonymous said...

It's so great to hear that Chuck is on the road to recovery (and SC for that matter). You never know which road life will take you on...but thank god that when you get where you're going you've got friends and family there with you. This blog is a great testament to Chuck and everyone around him.

sending my love and prayers -