Friday, August 10, 2007

Let 'Em Eat...?

Howdy folks! Darin here and I just got off the phone with mom who told me that they were going to let Dad have solid food tonight. That's a big step for him as he really hasn't had the pleasure of chewing food since last Friday. So with the duality of blessing/curse in mind, I'm sure that he's stoked about getting to eat solid foods, but less than enthusiastic about eating hospital cuisine. However, much like his desire to be mobile on his feet, when it comes to enjoying food, he's going to have to take baby steps.

I actually talked to him today and he told me that more tubes have been removed, which makes him both happy and hopeful that he'll continue on the road to a fast recovery. His spirit is definitely willing, his flesh is certain to follow suit.

After quickly being brought up to date on his recovery, the second half of our conversation dealt with him trying to figure out why he can't adjust the volume on his Ipod. As he explained the problem, I was at a loss as to how to help him out. Now if you're familiar with Dad's temper when it comes to not being able to master modern technologies, you can probably get a beat on how much I was dreading a Vesuvius-type explosion from the other end of the phone. However, Dad seemed to take the whole thing with a "no biggie" attitude. Perhaps in the face of a radical surgical procedure and the overwhelming support from family, friends and the matter-of-fact Saints who inhabit this world, a temporarily stubborn Ipod just ain't a big deal. However, having said that, It is my hope that in post-recovery future, Dad will once again don his armor and do battle with the evil forces of technology. Perhaps we'll have to get him an Iphone for Christmas. Look for a hilarious Youtube video (and the trademarked line "THIS IS FU**ING PREPOSTEROUS!) sometime in late December.


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