Thursday, August 16, 2007

Day Eleven

Yuck. Just the sound of that is nasty. Dad's on his 11th day in the hospital after what was supposed to be just 7-10. Now it's officially 'too long'. That's OK though, because it again seems like things are moving in the right direction. The digestive system is still waking up and doing some things it's supposed to be doing. The nutrition bag Dad is getting intravenously is making him feel stronger. This morning, the nasal-gastric tube just 'fell' out of his nose, and the doctors decided not to put it back in. Swelling is down in his abdomen; and today we're trying clear liquids. If the liquids stay down without problem, then it's onto solid food. The doctors talked a little bit about a release day and put it at Sunday for right now. That would be great if it would happen, but we are just focusing on one day at a time for now.

Today is a big day...let's hope everything goes smoothly and continues marching FORWARD!


Unknown said...

I'm happy that things are moving in the right direction. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. -The Youngest Paine

Jude said...

Chook and my family.
Thinking of all of you often. Keeping my fingers crossed and prayers going that things will start "moving" forward. No more going back.
Hospitals, unfortunately are not hotels and there are slip ups-that is why Naan keeps her journal-she is at least on top of things.
Looking forward to hearing that you have moved to the hotel-one more step toward Travelers Rest!