Monday, August 13, 2007

Get Out

I didn't get to meet Dr. Fergony (I'm going to try a 3rd spelling here. I'm still not sure this is right. Now that Mom can blog, she can correct me and tell me not to slouch at the same time), but I know the man means business. This is apparantly not a chatty, bouncy, sing-songy doctor who dispenses cheer with each bag of Cipro. He apparently comes in, does his doctoral duties extremely well, and then gets out.

So this morning, he told Mom that 'we are going to get him out of here in a couple of days. Not a few, a couple'. It's great to hear that he is as motivated to get Dad out of the hospital as Dad is to get himself out. Last night Dad had a little digestive action goin' on, which is good...and I think Mom said that the reflux was subsiding a bit. We have *not* had to go back to the nasal tube, which is really good, and let's hope it stays that way. Today Dad will have to have a few tests to figure out why his white blood cell count is slightly elevated. Doc doesn't seem too alarmed about it, but still wants to know what's goin' on. Hopefully between some tests today, Dad will give some real food a try again.

Some of the best medicine is still gettin' up out of bed and walking. Now that Dad's pain is almost down to zero, he's much more eager to get up and take a stroll (with his little IV cart and everything). Get up and WALK, Dad!

By the way, yesterday Dad got to read the blog for the first time. He really liked it and especially liked reading your comments and good wishes. It's one more thing that helped make him want to get out as quick as possible so he can see y'all instead of just reading your comments.

More later. Think OUT!


TenMile said...

Prayers and best wishes, folks. Brought to you through In Search of Walden.

Anonymous said...

Chuck, prayers and a speedy recovery from Sheppards Flock

I only met you and I think your wife once at bradoween. I think you brought something for the bradolantern competition. I hope all is going well for you. Our thoughts are with you and your family.

as for you Uncle Ted lets get together and have a beverage before you up and leave town
call me 978-9781


Student of Life said...

I think out is the best way to be. Get out! Out damn Chuck, out I say! Oh, wait. That's my inner Thespian talking. Anyway, hurry up and eat some more jello so you can get out in the sun again! Hugs and kisses from Carolina.