Monday, August 13, 2007


It's been a rough day today for Dad. The doctor checked out Dad this morning and said that he has some kind of infection. They're not sure what it is, but his white blood cell count is up and that indicates they need to zap somethin' somewhere. They did x-rays today for Pneumonia, and took a bunch of they can isolate the infection. Meantime, digestive system is also havin' a tough time gettin' kick started on his own, so this evening Dad had a nasal-gastric tube put in. This is already helping to relieve the pressure and buildup of air and fluid in his abdominal organs (I think I have that right). This is NOT a fun tube to have -- Dad says it hurts like crazy...but if it's going to help get his digestive system reset, then it's a good thing.

Tonight Dad should get a little rest. We've told ourselves this is not a step backward...just a little rest stop on the road forward in recovery. So...send a few extra good thoughts out tonight, and hopefully we'll be talkin' about resuming the push to get on out of the hospital and get to gettin' back to feelin' good!


Anonymous said...

I think we just repeated ourselves, but we need to share the yucky stuff to get on to the really good stuff...right????

Love you my Big Boy!!!
Va Momma

Anonymous said...